When Your New Child Doesn't Cry
When your new child doesn’t cry. Sound great? It’s not, and the reason will break your heart. My children got off of their bus in front of our house last week, and their bus driver explained that my son had experienced a little fall that morning while going down the stairs. I was not to worry, though, because he seemed ok. I automatically said, “He didn’t cry, did he?” Her response? “No, not at all!” She was impressed with his resiliency, but I knew better. For although my son knows how to put up a good fuss when he wants to, he will rarely actually cry when he is injured. He just picks himself up and moves on. Because this is what he always had to do during his formative years. No one took the time to pick him up and comfort him when he was hurt, whether he was truly injured or just scared from the fall. No one. How sad is that. How sad is it that I have to teach my son that it’s ok to cry and that I will comfort him when he does. A month or so ago this same son took a tumble down some steps at church as we were leaving. Even then he didn’t cry as Dad carried him until I came over and comforted him. Then the tears finally came. This is a good thing folks. Our adopted children NEED to cry! They need to let out those pent up emotions, and to know someone cares. And when they learn how to be comforted, they can pay it forward and comfort others. And when they have learned both of these, the being comforted and comforting others, they will have achieved a piece of heaven.
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